Logs Received

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For assistance, please contact: w0agMike@gmail.com


4 Responses to Logs Received

  1. Look, Guys/Girls (OMs/YLs…) MNI, MNI TNX for the very COOL TN QSO Party 2015!!! Lots of activity & good ops!!! Special TNX to you Mobiles!!!

    Kevin WA4GQG

  2. Bob Kinner says:

    Just to let you know that the TN operators were the friendliest I’ve met on a QSO party!

  3. Rick Parsons says:

    Wow. This was my first time participating in the Tn QSO party and I learned a lot that I plan to apply to the next one. Great to see such a large turnout. Thanks to everyone involved in putting this thing together and to everyone that participated.
    Rick, K4EMH

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